Cultural Circles

Cultural Teaching Circles & Traditional Sweatlodges

Since moving to Palmer Rapids 5 years ago, we’ve not been able to host the same events that we offered at the Russwood property. Mark and Wendy are like family to us and we feel it important to keep a page dedicated to them.

While we do not currently host Sweat Lodge Ceremonies and Teaching Circles with Indigenous Elders, Record Keepers, Traditional Healers, and Teachers, Mark & Wendy Phillips of 8th Fire Cultural Center, you can read more about the Phillips and Wendy’s Seer Services further down the page. Please reach out directly to them directly to see what their current offerings are. You can join in zoom cultural teachings throughout the year as well.

Mark & Wendy Phillips Cultural Circles


Sweat Lodge Ceremony is a traditional purification for an individual mind, body and spirit cleansing. This ceremony is to also give thanks to all of creation.
• Respect no alcohol consumption 24 hours prior to the ceremony.
• No photographs be taken of the Sweat Lodge during the ceremony.
• Women on their “moon” (menstrual cycle) do not participate. In the Ojibwa tradition, when women are on their moon cycle, they are undergoing their own powerful personal purification ceremony and we honour them and take care of them.
• For health reasons, pregnant women should not attend.
• Anyone with heart problems or other serious health problems should let the Sweat Lodge conductor know.
• Do not wear jewelry or glasses into the lodge.
• Men need to wear shorts and towel;
• Women need to wear skirt, shirt and towel;

• Things to bring: Tobacco; potluck food item for ceremonial feasting after sweat

Call 705-877-9267 for dates and details.

Tipi at Russwood

CULTURAL CIRCLES (Teachings) Contact the Phillips directly for more info. 705-877-9267


Mark & Wendy Phillips, both come from an ancient lineage of teachings called, Old Mede’win, a secret society also known as the Grand Medicine Society. These ancient teachings went underground when the Europeans arrived in North America for safe keeping and were not openly shared. In fact the teachings were so carefully guarded that family members did not even speak to other family members about it! This was done to preserve the culture and original calendars/history of the earth. Both Mark and Wendy have undergone extensive teachings and training from the time they were young children, as their gifts were noted by Old Mede’win knowledge keepers. They were fortunate to find each other, married, and now teach together. After the beginning of the 8th Fire (a 400 year time that began in January of 2000). according to prophesy, the Phillip’s were free to share openly with all who wish to learn the original teachings.

Both have worked and taught extensively at Universities, Colleges, Indigenous groups, prisons, and children’s programs and more. They are dedicated to their role in facilitating the once hidden ceremonies, teachings, and healings. Mark & Wendy carry sacred scrolls with ancient history and Wendy also carries the Aztec, Mayan, and Turtle calendars.

William F Mann, an officer of the Knights Templar of Canada’s Grand Executive Committee, a member of its Grand Council and serving as the Sovereign Great Priory’s Grand Archivist is both a descendent of Templar Prince Henry Sinclair and of the Algonquin bloodlines, and wrote a series of books, Templar Sanctuaries in North America, The Knights of Templar in the New World, and The Templar Meridians. William has been interviewed on several radio shows, including Coast To Coast and Red Ice Radio, and speaks about his connections to the Phillips and the historical connections between the Templars and the Indigenous poeple’s of North America PRIOR to Columbus’s arrival. There are numerous parallels between the Templar teachings and the Old Mede’win teachings. We hope you will join us on this magical journey!

Rotiskarewakeraotinonhkwa (Bear medicine) SEER SERVICES with Wendy Phillips

Will be available by appointment  705-877-9267
Fees $90 per hour
A Traditional Seer, who works for spirit and is someone who communicates with spirit(s).
Seer Preparation
• All  individual(s) need to meditate for 15 minutes.
• All individual(s) need to complete an intake form.
• You will need to bring tobacco. Tobacco tie or cigarette tobacco or Indian Tobacco 
• A reading is where the Seer will sit with an individual for an hour or longer.  This Seer can also see the past, present and future or any wholistic problems or issues that the individual needs assistance to solve.
• Phone Readings – Can be arranged
• No internet readings
• Each reading will have a helper who will record the session.
** Ceremonies may be suggested and would be determined at the time of reading.
Seers or helpers or healers are NOT medical doctors. All treatment(s) are recommendations, should be followed as directed and not disrupted for wholistic health. Prescriptions from medical doctors need to be followed.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions:
Mark & Wendy Phillips
Email at
Monica & Richard
Email at